Tuesday, September 12, 2017

9/11/2017 Week #3

Fresh Fertile Duck Eggs

A. How do we prep these eggs for the Incubator?


  1. U washe the egg dry it. And set up the. Incbator to put the eggs in

  2. Make sure the incubator is clean and ready . Put water in the water channels below and preheat it to get the temperature and humidity stable . Place it in a room where the temperature is stable and ideal to keep eggs in .

  3. you should check the eggs with a light to see if it has cracks and such, then you have to wash them I think and clean them and don't take them and put them in the heat right away, put the eggs in a kinda warm room so it's not too big of a temperature change and then yea u just put them in I think and then u got incubating eggs

  4. You make sure they are at a cernten angle when you place them in and make sure the eggs have a bird in them

  5. We have to clean the eggs before we can put into the incubator but we need to prep the incubator

  6. Well,
    #1. wash the eggs in warm water
    #2. Candle each egg looking for cracks
    #3. Put eggs into the incubator

  7. looks fun and can't wait to see them hatch.

  8. Wash, dry, see if they have any cracks in them then incubate them.

  9. When have to wash them dry then candle them check for cracks put wax on any cracks then place them in

  10. First wash the eggs and lukewarm water and dry. Second you candle the eggs for any cracks. If a egg has a crack you can fix it with hot wax. Last you put the egg round side up. Then Can you prepare the incubators

  11. We have wash them and dry then candle them.

    Brittney Speaks

  12. wash and dry and candle them.

    Brittney Speaks

  13. you have to wash dry and candle them

  14. We clean them, dry them, and candle them

  15. we clean them and candle them
