Wednesday, January 24, 2018

First week 2018

This is the Second largest bird in the world called an EMU.


Welcome to the first Poultry class for this spring 2018 school year. I would like you all to get ready and have fun because we are going to get EMU eggs next week and try again to hatch them. In a few words please answer the following questions;

A.  What is an EMU?
B.   Do you as the student know anything about these birds?
C.   What does this bird eat?


  1. So the other ones died again? Anyways an emu is a bird that's really big, I don't know much about it, but it eats feed

    1. Yes our first attempt at EMU eggs was a no go;( part of the reason was because we did not have a big enough incubator. This time we have the correct incubators;)

  2. A: a dinosaur
    B: nope
    C: fruits and seeds

  3. A emu is a ostrich, no I don’t know much about emus. I’m not sure what emus eat.

  4. An emu is a small ostrich.
    I know these birds are flightless and quick runners.
    These birds eat fruit and seeds.

  5. A; a bird
    B; they're large
    C; fruits and seeds

  6. An emu is a 6ft tall bird. I as a student do anything about these birds.Emu birds eat fruit, seeds, growing shoots of plants, and insects.

  7. A. The largest living bird.
    B. No, I don't know anything about this bird.
    C. They eat fruits, seeds, and insects.

  8. An emu is a large bird.
    I don't know much about the birds.
    Emus eat bugs and small wildlife.

  9. Jazmyn frank

    Emus are small ostriches. I don't know much about them. I do know they eat fruits, veggies, and insects.

  10. Emus are the largest bird in the world & they eat seeds,bugs, and fruit

  11. Naomi stoian- its an emu. An emu is a large bird. They eat seeds and fruits.

  12. A) a large flightless fast-running Australian bird resembling the ostrich, with shaggy gray or brown plumage, bare blue skin on the head and neck, and three-toed feet.
    B) As a student here at Sava, I do not know exactly what this bird is or what this bird eats.
    C) Emus eat a simple diet of fruits, seeds, growing shoots of plants and insects. They swallow small stones (called gastroliths or gizzard stones)

  13. Emu are big bird. Emu are the second largest bird by height emu can reach between 5 and 6.5 feet in height and can wight up to 130 pounds. Emu can eat fruits, seeds, insects.

  14. The Emus are big birds that resemble an Ostrich. The Emmu is a flightless bird, but is a outstanding three toed runner. The bird usually in height is about 4.9 to 6.2 feet and weighs about 66 to 120 pounds. Emus eat shoots of plants,insects,seed,and fruits. They swallow various gizzard stones witch actually that in the gizzard and help grind their food.

    -Aliyah Johnson

  15. 1. A emu is a big head it can grow up to 6ft
    2. yes it a bird
    3.fruit and seeds

  16. An emu is the second largest bird in Australia
    Nope don’t know anything about em
    They eat fruits and seeds

  17. 1: an emu is a large bird that can grow up to 6ft
    2:it's a large bird
    3:fruit and seeds

  18. 1. An Emu is a large bird
    2. No I do not
    3. Seeds and fruit

  19. 1. An emu is a large flightless bird
    2. It is the second largest bird species in the world and it originates from Australia
    3. They eat fruits and seeds
    Shaun Collins

  20. A.Emus are the secound biggest bird in the world.
    B. All i know about the emu is they have a raptor claw.
    C.fruits,seed,insects and plants

  21. 1. an emu is a large bird that can grow up to 6ft.
    2. they're large.
    3. fruits, and seeds.

  22. 1. A emu is a smaller cousin of the flightless bird the ostrich.
    2. they are faster and smaller than an ostrich
    3. Fruits and seeds

  23. 1. A large flightless fast-running Australian bird resembling an ostrich
    2. They're quick on their feet
    3. Seeds, fruit, plants.

  24. 1. An emu is a large bird
    2. Nope
    3. Seeds and fruit

    Malachi Allen

  25. An emu is a small ostrich.
    I know these birds are flightless and quick runners.
    These birds eat fruit and seeds

  26. a) An emu is the second largest bird in the world
    b) They can't fly.
    c) They eat seeds and fruits.

  27. an emu egg cant fly
    they eat seeds and fruit

  28. an emu is the second largest bird in the world
    they cant fly
    they eat seeds and fruit
    elieana salcedo
