Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Week #6

                                         Hummmm I wonder what kind of chicks these could be?

Sooooo Today we are going to learn a few things about turkeys. They are a very interesting bird and you can find these birds in the wild or in a local farm. Down below are a few questions that need to be answered and don't forget to have fun:)  

A. What Kinds of Turkeys are there?
B. How much do they weigh when full grown?
C. Which bread of turkey is the best to eat?
D. Does a turkey lay eggs to eat?


  1. Bronze turkey,broad breasted white turkey,bourbon red,Narragansett turkey,black turkey,midget white turkey,and a royal palm turkey. They weigh about 16 to about 40 pounds.and the broad breasted white turkey is the top one. They lay the eggs

  2. 1.bronze turkey,broad breasted white turkey,bourbon red,narrangassat turkey,black turkey,midget white turkey,royal palm turkey
    2.16 lbs 40 lbs
    3.broad breasted white turkey
    -shaun collins

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A. Bronze Turkey,Broad Breasted white turkey,bourbon red,Narragansett turkey,black turkey,midget white turkey,royal palm turkey.
    B. They weight 16 to about 40 lbs.
    C. Broad Breast white turkey.
    D. Yes they lay eggs.

  5. A. There are Bronze, Broad Breasted, Bourbon Red, Narragansett, Black, Midget White, and Royal Palm turkeys.

    B. The larger the turkey, the more they weigh, but they can be between 16-40 pounds.

    C. In America, Broad Breasted White turkeys are raised throughout the country for Thanksgiving and other holiday meals.

    D. Yes they do.

    -carrie bartholomew

  6. 1.bronze turkey,broad breasted white turkey,bourbon red,narrangansset turkey,midget white turkey,royal palm turkey
    2.16 lbs to 40 lbs
    3.broad breasted white turkey
    4. yes

  7. their broad breasted white turkey , bourbon red, narrangassat turkey , black turkey, midget white turkey, royal palm turkey,bronze turkey.These turkeys weigh about 16lbs to 40 lbs . The best turkey to eatis the broad breasted white turkey. yes turkeys lay eggs to eat

  8. bronze, broad breasted white, bourbon ned, narragansett turkey, black turkey,midget white turkey, royd palm turkey.
    Bronze turkey weigh 16-25 pounds. The best to eat is broad breasted turkey. and no they dont lay eggs to eat.

  9. 1. broad breasted white turkey, bourbon red, narrangansset turkey, bronze turkey, midget white turkey,
    2. 16-60
    3 its the broad breasted white turkey
    4. yes sir

  10. 1.bronze,turkey,broad ,breasted white turkey,bourbon red,black
    2.16 to 40
    3.broad breasted white turkey

  11. Bronze turkey - 16 - 25 pounds
    Broad breasted white
    Bourbon red
    Narragansett turkey
    Black turkey
    Midget white turkey
    Roy’s palm turkey
    - elie salcedo

  12. 1. Bronze,Turkey,Broad,Breasted white turkey,Bourbon red,Black
    2. 16 to 40
    3. Broad breast white turkey
    4. yes

  13. A.Bronze, broad breasted, bourbon red, narrangansset, midget white, black, royal palm

    B.16-40 pounds

    C. Broad breasted

    D.yes they lay eggs

  14. 1.Broad breasted white turkey, bronze turkey, bourbon red, narragansett turkey,black turkey,black, red turkey, Midget white turkey
    2.16 to 40
    3.The broad breasted white turkey
    4. yes
    -Eduardo Chavez

  15. 1. Bronze, bourbon red, narragansett, black, red, midget white, broad breasted turkey.
    2. 16-40 pounds.
    3. Broad breasted turkey
    4. Yes they do

  16. 1)bronze, broad breasted white, bourbon ned, narragansett turkey, black turkey,midget white turkey, royd palm turkey.
    2)Bronze turkey weigh 16-25 pounds. The best to eat is broad breasted turkey. and no they dont lay eggs to eat.

  17. 1.bronze turkey,broad breasted white turkey,bourbon red,narrangassat turkey,black turkey,midget white turkey,royal palm turkey
    2.16 lbs 40 lbs
    3.broad breasted white turkey

  18. Jazmyn Frank
    A. Bronze, bourbon red, narragansett, black, red, midget white, broad breasted turkey.
    B. 16-40 pounds.
    C. Broad breasted turkey
    D. Yes they do

  19. 1) Bronze, broad breasted, bourbon red, black turkey, midget white, Narrangesset turkey
    2) 16-40 pounds
    3) broad breasted white turkey
    4) yes, but they are not cost effective to produce.

  20. 1. Bronze, bourbon red, Narragansett, black, red, midget white, royal palm
    2. 16-40 pounds
    3. Yes

  21. a. bronze turkey, broad breasted turkey, royal palm turkey, bourbon red turkey, midget white turkey, narragansett turkey
    b. 16-40lbs
    c.broad breasted turkey
    d. yes
    -lauren paisley

  22. a. narragansett black red royal palm bronze
    b. 16-40lbs
    c. broad breasted turkey
    d. yes

  23. 1. broad breasted turkey, bourbon red turkey, royal palm turkey
    3. broad breasted turkey
    4. yes

  24. 1. Bronze Turkey,Broad Breasted white turkey,bourbon red,Narragansett turkey,black turkey,midget white turkey,royal palm turkey.
    2. They weight 16 to about 40 lbs.
    3. Broad Breast white turkey.
    4. Yup they lay eggs.
    -Naomi stoian

  25. 1.bronze,turkey,broad ,breasted white turkey,bourbon red,black
    2.16 to 40
    3.broad breasted white turkey

  26. 1.bronze,turkey,broad ,breasted white turkey,bourbon red,black
    2.16 to 40
    3.broad breasted white turkey

  27. 1. Bronze, Bourbon Red, Narragansett, Black, Red, Midget White, Royal Palm
    2. 16-40 pounds
    3. Yeah

    Malachi Allen

  28. 1. Rio Grande Wild Turkey. The Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) has the largest population and the widest range of the three turkey subspecies (Rio Grande, Merriam's, and Eastern wild turkeys) found in Texas.
    2. About 16 - 40 pounds
    3. Broad Breasted White Turkey
    4. Yes

  29. 1. Rio Grande Wild Turkey. The Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) has the largest population and the widest range of the three turkey subspecies (Rio Grande, Merriam's, and Eastern wild turkeys) found in Texas.
    2. About 16 - 40 pounds
    3. Broad Breasted White Turkey
    4. Yes

  30. 1. Rio Grande Wild Turkey. The Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) has the largest population and the widest range of the three turkey subspecies (Rio Grande, Merriam's, and Eastern wild turkeys) found in Texas.
    2. About 16 - 40 pounds
    3. Broad Breasted White Turkey
    4. Yes

  31. 1. Rio Grande Wild Turkey. The Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) has the largest population and the widest range of the three turkey subspecies (Rio Grande, Merriam's, and Eastern wild turkeys) found in Texas.
    2. About 16 - 40 pounds
    3. Broad Breasted White Turkey
    4. Yes

  32. A. Narragansett turkey, black turkey, midget white turkey, royal palm turkey, Bronze Turkey, Broad Breasted white turkey, bourbon red.
    B. From 16 to about 40 lbs.
    C. Broad Breast white turkey.
    D. Yes

  33. Rio Grande Wild Turkey. The Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) has the largest population and the widest range of the three turkey subspecies (Rio Grande, Merriam's, and Eastern wild turkeys) found in Texas.
    2. About 16 - 40 pounds
    3. Broad Breasted White Turkey
    4. Yes

  34. 1. narragansett turkey, black turkey, midget white turkey, royal palm turkey, bronze turkey, broad breasted white turkey, bourbon red
    2.from 16 to about 40lbs
    3. broad breast white turkey
    4. yes
    elieana salcedo

  35. 1.bronze turkey,broad breasted white turkey,bourbon red,narrangansset turkey,midget white turkey,royal palm turkey
    2.16 lbs to 40 lbs
    3.broad breasted white turkey
    4. yes
