Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Week 3

                        Let's spend a few minutes and check out what chicken Embryology is.

With learning the development of a baby chick please write a paragraph below describing the process of the development.  


  1. In days 1 through 5 tissue starts to develop, heart forms and starts beating,blood vessels grow and the development of limbs begin. In days 6 through 10digits form, the beak begins to develop, development of feathers begin, the mouth opens, then claws begin to form. Days 11 through 15 tail feathers appear, scales form on the feet and legs, eye lids form, the head then turns towards the large end of the egg and the gut draws into the abdomen. Days 16 through 20 the feathers cover the body, between the legs the head tucks, embryo fills available space,the yolk sack goes into abdomen, internal pip then external pip. Finally on day 21 the chick hatches.

  2. a chicken egg can grow in 21 days.
    the first couple of days the germinal gland grows and the heart grows and the blood vessels form.
    then the feathers grow and form.
    then day 18 - day 20 the chick sucks up the guts.
    day 21 the chick hatches and life begins.

  3. On days 1 through 6 heart forms veins grow and limbs start to grow. Then on 7 through 10 the beak begins to form and the egg tooth begins to form. On days 11 through 15 the tail feathers grow and the scales form. On days 16 through 20 the body flips and puts the head between the legs. On day 21 it hatches.

  4. whereas fertilized chicken eggs usually take exactly 21 days to hatch most duck eggs take 28 days apart.it takes 21 hours for the the eggs to clump together. 1 to 6 veins, limbs,and heart grows. 11 to 15 the tail, feathers and scales are formed, 16 to 20 the body turns over, then puts its head between the legs. take another 21 days til it hatches.

  5. A baby chicken will hatch in about 21-28 days. Throughout the first couple days the egg starts to create the heart and also the blood vessels. Then for the other days (7)the beak begins to form along with its egg tooth. Next day about (12) the baby chicks feathers began to form, and it’s scales. Day (15) the body of the chick is put in a tight spot with its beak right on the inside of the egg, and as it grows the beak starts to press against the egg and on day (20) it hatches.

  6. Giovanni Salcedo, In 21 days a baby chick will develop inside your fertilized egg it first starts of developing heart and vessels then eyes and limbs next umbilical cord after that the beak and feather follicles and finally on day 21 it will slowly hatch.

  7. Giovanni Salcedo, In 21 days a baby chick will develop inside your fertilized egg it first starts of developing heart and vessels then eyes and limbs next umbilical cord after that the beak and feather follicles and finally on day 21 it will slowly hatch.

  8. A baby chick takes 21 days to hatch in the first couple days the heart and the blood vessels start to form. Starting in the 6 day the beak and beak tooth form. Next the feathers start to from the guys get sucked up inside them and they flip over ready to crack the egg and pop out

  9. a chick takes about 21 days to hatch.
    within a few days the blood vessels and heart form. around day 6 the beak and beak tooth form. then feathers form and the chick flips over in order to be ready to hatch-lauren paisley

  10. throughout the first couple days blood vessels and a heart start to form and around day 6 the beak with beak tooth then feathers form and the baby chick flips to its hatching position the total days it takes to hatch an egg is 21.-cesar cholico

  11. So the development of the baby a chick is for 21 days ,the first few days the germinal disk develop and the heart ,blood vessels ,and limbs form ,Then the feathers grow and form and the last few days the chick sucks its organs then in the last day it hatches.-zoraya chavez

  12. A baby chick takes 21 days to hatch which is a month. The first week blood vessels and the heart form . Starting day 6 the beak and teeth form. Then forms feathers and flips over an is ready to hatch -Nehemiah york

  13. The whole time duration of the development of a chick is 21 days. By day 5, tissue and limb has started to develop,heart has formed and begins to beat, and blood vessels have grown. By day 10, digits have formed,beak, claw and feather development begins, and mouth opens. By day 15, tail feathers appear,scales form on feet and legs, eyelid forms,head turns toward large end of the egg, and gut draws into abdomen. By day 20, the body is covered with feathers, the head tucks between legs, embryo fills available space, the yolk sac is absorbed and drawn into abdomen, there is an internal pip. And by day 21, the chick is hatched. -Aina Amir

  14. The days that a chick takes to hatch are 21 days.There is special organs that grow within the egg and these include the yolk sac and the amnion.The purpose of these organs are to provide nutrition and protect the embryo.The things that form first are the vessels and the heart.
    -Daisy c

  15. the days that a duck takes more days then a baby chick 21 days most ducks take 28 days to hatch apart.

  16. the chicken takes 21 days to hatch and ducks takes 28 days in the growth of the egg organs form-Timothy minor (tj)
