Sunday, September 16, 2018

Week 4

                                                     On with another exciting week.

The photo above shows you how to candle an egg and what to look for. Please respond on how to candle an egg and what we are looking for when we do this.


  1. You need a bright light. You need a dark room. The room should be near the incubator or in the same room as the incubator so you can put the eggs right back in after you are done. We are looking for veins or germinal disc.

  2. The purpose of candling is to check to se if there is any cracks on the egg. To candle you need to turn off all the lights, then grab a flashlight an turn it on. Gently grab the egg in your and and hold the flashlight to the egg, turning the egg while keeping the flashlight on it to see if there are any cracks.

  3. The method “candling an egg” is commonly used to find out whether or not the egg has any cracks. The process is very easy. For example a obvious item you will need is a flashlight or a candle. Bring the egg in a dark room and hold your flashlight towards the egg and turn it in a slow motion so you can see any cracks.

  4. in a dark room you hold a flashlight on the egg and look in the egg for a developing chicken. you can normally see veins or a weird looking blob in the center
    -lauren paisley

  5. When you "Candle Eggs" you are setting the egg on a bright light to see what light is not passing through which means that there's a solid object like your chicken. When your candling an egg your looking for your chickens develop and checking if it's a quitter. Giovanni Salcedo

  6. How to candle a egg a egg is used to determine if any eggs have cracked . For example use a light and orbit by the egg and you can see the bird
    -Timothy minor

  7. To candle an egg is to look if the egg has a crack on the shell ,veins or to see if its growing life. -Zoraya chavez

  8. we candle the eggs to search for cracks in the eggs.
    also we look for the heart and blood vessel's.

  9. When you candle it you have to see if it’s cracked or it has blood vessels if it does have blood vessels then it’s fertile -Nehemiah york

  10. candling the egg is used to see if there is any cracks in the eggs

  11. when candling an egg we look for any possible cracks and to see if any blood vessels start to form and to see its development. -cesar cholico

  12. Candling egg is to either check if there are any cracks and/or to see if the egg is fertile or not. First, you should get an egg and then grab a flash light or candle. Hover the egg over the light or candle and close the lights to see better. That’s basically it -Aina Amir

  13. The reason that we candle eggs is to see if the egg has any cracks.The only thing you need is a light.You should turn off the lights in the room to see it better and be careful to not break it or shake it.
    -Daisy c.

  14. The reason that we candle eggs is to see if the egg has any cracks.The only thing you need is a light.You should turn off the lights in the room to see it better and be careful to not break it or shake it.
    -Daisy c.

  15. when you use a light to the egg you can see if it is developed or not or crack.

  16. when you use a light you can see right through it also you can see the blood vessels by the heart.

  17. the reason why you need to candle a egg is to see if the egg is fine and if it has any cracks the only thing you need is a light-Timothy Minor (tj)
