Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Week 11

In a paragraph below describe what the best poultry feed should be used in everyday farming. 


  1. the best poultry feed for chickens are seeds, grass, and chick starter feed and make it into a crumble or in to a mesh.
    you can also take flavorless cereal and brake it or blend it so they are not picky

  2. the best poultry feed is chickens seeds and the grass and also for new chickens make it crumble or they can mesh it all together.

  3. i think the best poultry is feed chickens a all of different type of foods in the chickens feed.

  4. I think the best type for new born chicks is crumble and the best type for grown chickens is mash.

  5. the best poultry feed for chickens is seeds or grains mixed with greens. grains and seeds are good but you should also give your chickens left over greens and vegetables

  6. The type of feed i would recommend for your chickens are seeds and types of grains mixed together. Such as Ryegrass, Buckwheat, Forage Peas, Flax, Millet, Red Clover and Alfalfa Seed.

  7. the best feed for chickens is a variaty of foods. vegetables, bugs, and store bought feed-lauren paisley

  8. The best food for Newborns is crumble and is mostly corn. -Giovanni Salcedo

  9. The best food for chickens is to give them healthy foods for example like vegetables and bugs to make them a healthy bird.
