Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Week #1

Welcome to the first week of poultry class at our awesome school.
In a few sentences describe what you know about poultry.


  1. Poultry is consisted of raising domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys , emus, ostriches and etc for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for food. Poultry mostly is known for chickens because they produce very large numbers used for farming.

  2. Poultry are domesticated birds that raised kept for meat, eggs, and feathers. These birds range from Fowls, Chickens, and Guineafowls all the way to Emus. More than 50 billion chickens are reared annually as a source of food, for both their meat and their eggs.

  3. To hatch a chicken egg u have to put it in an incubator and it takes 21 days to hatch. After the chickens have hatched they need to be put in a brooder for a while. You should wait several weeks before u put the baby chicks with the full grown chickens. When u do that make sure to try putting the chicks with a couple grown chicks at first to see how they react to eachother. - Desaray Hacker

  4. Poultry are chickens, turkeys etc. that are raised in factory farms and are forced to make eggs and meat. These eggs and meat are sold in stores and grocery outlets where you buy your food. When chickens aren't capable to give anymore eggs then they get slaughtered and made into meat that you buy and cook. There is also this thing called a distributor which sends eggs to stores to sell and protects the factory farms if anyone ever questions where the eggs come from.

    Diana De La Torre

  5. What I know about poultry is that most of the food we eat comes from poultry animales. I know that to be able to hatch chicks faster you need to put them in a incubator. When you want to know if your eggs are fertile you need to put them under candaling.

  6. Most of the food that human eat come from poultry.

  7. Poultry is about learning and taking care of animals. Its also about how to fix humidity if the egg is on the edge of being cooked or drowned. Poultry is mostly known for chickens because they produce the most eggs.-Aurora Padilla

  8. poultry is basically science it could be about plants or animals, your learning new thing about these animals and plants. For our class its going to be mostly about the emu, ostrich, and the chickens. We also learned about how the eggs we consume are very bad for us.These chickens are sick because of them producing too many eggs, those chickens that lay eggs can pass on whatever they have to us human beings.-Sajayah Peters

  9. this class is about different type of animals. and poultry is talking about all different type of eggs

  10. I know alot sense I took this class last semester and had fun learning and kept my chickens. Giovanni Salcedo

  11. What i know about poultry is that its a bird taking class. just raising and help hatch a emu and another large bird-Timothy minor

  12. In polutry i learned a lot about birds i learned what they eat, how to wash them, how to feed them. I also learned how to hatch them and what the incubator should be set at and things like that.

  13. In poultry I learned about many types of birds, and what they consume, and how long they take to hatch. I also found out that the biggest bird is the ostrich.

  14. Poultry is learning about how to incubate and take care of birds. You also learn about birds like Emus, Ostriches, and chickens.

  15. Poultry means the care and nourishment of birds such as Emus, ostriches and chickens. We learn about how to hatch these kinds of birds as we go along.

  16. Poultry is learning about animals and how they live and survive . You learn about the most biggest birds in the world.
