Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Week 9

                                         Today we will be talking about Poultry Biosecurity.

In a Paragraph below please explain why this is soooooo important to know and understand when we deal with poultry. 


  1. Poultry biosecurity is something that people practice to help prevent disease to other animals. It is Important so that all of your animals don't get diseases and die. With this practice, if one chicken gets a disease hopefully it won't spread to the rest.

  2. poultry is when people look at different animals see if their sick or not so they won't die if one get sick it won't get the others animals sick.

  3. poultry is they take care of different animals. so others chicken won't get sick or die. and spread to the others and die.

  4. poultry is when people take care of animals and makes sure they dont get sick and learn about birds -Timothy minor (Tj)

  5. Bio-security is important because if you dont prevent the disease then it could spread to other chickens and it could kill them quickly.

  6. poultry bio-security is for the new baby chicks that have been born then they watch them so they dont get sick. also they watch grown up chickens so they might not be sick

  7. Bio-security is very important for survival even for humans that's why we wash are hands but for chickens there immune system is weaker. Giovanni Salcedo

  8. Bio security is crucial in order for chickens to be healthy and survive. Bio security is to make sure that the chickens don’t catch diseases and if they did, that they could treat it so that it doesn’t contaminate the other chickens.

  9. bio security is what chicken farms practice to keep chicken healthy and safe from dieseases they keep pests and rats, wash tires, and more practices to ensure the chickens don’t get sick

  10. bio security is what chicken farms must practice in order for their chickens to live and be healthy and not spread disease. this can include the cleanliness of the area theyre kept and how theyre treated-lauren paisley

  11. Biosecurity is a practice that all chicken farms use. It is used for the health and safety of a chicken. This prevents a chicken to catch a certain disease.

  12. it is so important to understand what you have to do when working with poultry because you need to make sure every thing you do is correct for example how to feed , wash and care for your chicken and its is important to have good biosecurity to prevent a disease. -cesar cholico

  13. It i very important to know how to keep chickens safe when dealing with them.Therefore you have to learn how to care for them properly so that if anything happens to them you know what to do.You also need to know how to protect them from any type of harm.Another big thing is caring for their health so that in return you can get good eggs.
    -Daisy c.
